Tracy Morgan Out Of The Hospital And Transferred To Rehab Center


Fox News- Actor and comedian Tracy Morgan has transferred to an undisclosed rehab facility following the New Jersey highway crash that badly injured him and killed one of his friends, his rep said Friday. He is expected to remain there for the next few weeks. “While he is continuing to show signs of improvement, he still has a long way to go,” his rep said in a statement sent to FOX411. “He and Megan wanted to publicly express their deepest gratitude to everyone at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital for the unbelievable care and attention they provided him.” The 45-year-old former “Saturday Night Live” and “30 Rock” star suffered broken ribs and a broken leg in the June 7 crash on the New Jersey Turnpike. The crash killed fellow comedian James McNair and seriously injured two other people.

Finally some good news regarding this situation.  For awhile there things looked……not great after the crash.  One person was dead and Tracy was in critical condition without many other details.  Well we have some details and they at least sound somewhat promising.  Tracy in no longer in critical condition and has been moved to a rehab center to get better.  Awesome.  We just couldn’t lose a great comedy mind like Tracy’s.  He truly is great and not in the “Oh he almost died so let’s heap on the praise” type of way.  Tracy Morgan is great.  I love his stand up and his work on 30 Rock.  But the real place where he shines, at least for me, is when he’s on late night talk shows.  You never know what the fuck he is going to say and that’s the best part.  Go on YouTube some time and fall down the Tracy Morgan late night talk show rabbit hole.  He just rambles and it somehow turns into great bits.  You’ll be hard pressed to find somebody more naturally funny than Tracy and it looks like he’s not even trying when he does it.

Get better, Tracy.


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